The standard macro cuvettes are made of glass or quartz. The edges are usually fused in order to quarantee optimized transmission of all 4 windows for the specified spectral range.

The Teflon cover prevents from leakage due to evaporation. 

4 polished windows

ES quartz glasIR quartz glassOptical glassDimensions (mm)Path length (mm)Path width (mm)Volume (ml)Remarks
PL.Q-203PL.I-203PL.G-20345 x 12,5 x 7,55101,7
PL.Q-204PL.I-204PL.G-20445 x 12,5 x 12,510103,5
PL.Q-205PL.I-205PL.G-20545 x 12,5 x 22,520107,0
PL.Q-206PL.I-206PL.G-20645 x 12,5 x 32,5301010,5
PL.Q-207PL.I-207PL.G-20745 x 12,5 x 42,5401014
PL.Q-208PL.I-208PL.G-20845 x 12,5 x 52,5501017,5
PL.Q-209PL.I-209PL.G-20945 x 12,5 x 102,51001035,0